MedPrep was established in 2011 by Dr Sohaib Rufai, NIHR Clinical Lecturer and Specialist Registrar in Ophthalmology. He has successfully delivered MedPrep Courses to over 200 delegates with an overall feedback rating of Excellent.
Dr Rufai is passionate about delivering high quality coaching in a friendly and inclusive manner, shaped by candidate needs and feedback. He is trained in teaching, communication, presentation and writing skills. He also has training and experience in writing medial exam questions and medical school interviews, as an appointed examiner for medical school OSCEs and appointed interviewer for prospective medical students. He has been awarded 35 academic prizes and has 50 publications. He has been invited to deliver talks internationally and is an invited reviewer for several medical journals. His work has been covered in the national media.
He has successfully coached many candidates for Ophthalmology and Academic posts - many of whom have secured their top ranked posts. He is the author of two best-selling ophthalmology books: MCQs for FRCOphth Part 1 (Oxford University Press, 2022) and A Practical Guide for Aspiring Ophthalmologists (World Scientific, 2021),
Career Overview:
- 2023-present: NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer & Specialist Registrar in Ophthalmology, University of Leicester Ulverscroft Eye Unit, and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.
- 2019-2022: NIHR Doctoral Fellow & Specialist Registrar in Ophthalmology at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London and University of Leicester Ulverscroft Eye Unit. Awarded competitive NIHR grant worth £420,000 to fund PhD research fellowship and research study.
- 2016-19: Top ranked candidate in UK's most competitive NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship ST1 post in Ophthalmology in Leicester. Led world's first study using handheld OCT to predict future vision in children with nystagmus, published in Ophthalmology - highest impact clinical journal in field. Completed Masters of Research with distinction.
- 2014-16: Ophthalmology themed NIHR Academic Foundation Post in Wessex.
- All posts achieved on first attempt.
Dr Rufai would love to help you achieve your dream training post as a Clinical Academic and/or in Ophthalmology. Get in touch to register your interest.
Dr Sohaib Rufai BMBS BMedSc MRes
Course Tutor, MedPrep Courses
"MedPrep Courses" is a trading style of MedPrep Ltd, a registered company in England and Wales. MedPrep Ltd does not represent and is not affiliated to the UK's Royal Colleges, Health Education England or the National Institute for Health Research. MedPrep Ltd offers services with the best intentions for the candidate, but cannot accept any responsibility for the outcomes of a candidate's job application, or any other associated liabilities, following the provision of courses and services.
"I can only show you the door. You have to walk through it." - Morpheus, The Matrix